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The duration, as well as the minimum period of study of the PMS, is three (3) semesters. The first two (2) are the course semesters and the 3rd semester is devoted to studying and writing of the MSc thesis. In order to obtain the BMI, the accumulation of 90 ECTS credits is required, which are equally distributed over the three (3) semesters.

The 1st semester includes four (4) compulsory courses and one (1) Elective course. The second semester includes one compulsory course and four (4) elective courses. The 3rd semester is available for the writing and examination of the postgraduate diploma thesis. In the 3rd semester, each student prepares a master’s thesis on a topic related to one of the Program’s courses, which he/she publicly defends before a three-member examination committee appointed by the SE.

The program structure and courses are presented below.

1st semester

Compulsory courses

-Research methodology

-Physics and chemistry of materials

-Photonics and Laser

-Computational techniques and algorithms

Elective courses (choose 1)

-Advanced data analysis methods

-Themes on Quantum statistical mechanics

-Themes on High energy physics

2nd semester

Compulsory courses

-Seminar on research methodology

Elective courses (choose 4)

-Advanced materials for applications

-Experimental techniques for material characterization

-Scientific computations in materials science

-Applied electromagnetism and meta-materials

-Radio telescopes and Radioastronomy

-Radioastronomy techniques


3rd semester

Master Thesis

Expression of interest

Το ΠΜΣ προσκαλεί τους ενδιαφερόμενους να υποβάλουν αίτηση μέχρι την
Παρ, 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023.
Η διαδικασία περιγράφεται αναλυτικά εδώ.


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